Sunday, May 10, 2020

Sharing your videos

So you have created a video that you would like to share. There are many different ways this can be done, and you can get some ideas of what is possible by selecting the Share icon:

 This icon appears in three different places withing the app:

1. On the last editor screen where you review your created video, before you give it a Tick as completed:

2. In the 'Video list' of finished videos you have made:

3. When you have selected a video from the list screen to watch, there is a share icon beneath the video in the player screen: (however using this one doesn't give you so many sharing options)

Selecting the 'Share' icon will give you all the sorts of options you would expect:

One of the most useful is to upload it straight to YouTube, the natural home of videos. Some are a bit weird - I can't imagine why you would want to put a video on Google maps! But maybe this list is not specific to video files made in this app, but is a more generic feature of the android operating system, I really have no idea!

Sharing your video with a Facebook Group

Anyway, the main reason for me writing this particular blog entry about sharing, is to give some instructions on how to share your video with a Facebook Group. This is mainly for the benefit of people in the Great British Home Chorus Friends group ... it was somebody from within that group who first introduced me to the app, and there has been some confusion there about how best to get videos onto Facebook in the group, without them being visible to your own Facebook friends, who are not a member of the private group. i seem to have stumbled upon the method, so here i will share it with you!

First choose 
then look for the little drop down arrow at the top of the page:
Click on it and you will see the 'Share in a group' option:

Select the option, choose your group name, then it is ready to post to your group.

Coming up next Advanced Techniques

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